Main | Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Geico Pitchman Apologizes For Calling On USMC To Rise Up Against Obama

Geico pitchman R. Lee Emery now says he is awfully sorry for his speech to thousands of Marines in which he urged them to "rise up" against the president for his plan to "impose socialism."
"I recently appeared at a fundraising event designed to collect toys and raise awareness for underprivileged children. While that event succeeded in raising thousands of dollars and hundreds of toys for this cause, I regret that I delivered a monologue that was inappropriately critical of the President. I was trying to be entertaining and simply went too far in this instance. I am mindful that my success as an entertainer relates in part to my experience in the Marine Corps, my devotion to its members, and the deep respect I have for members of all our Armed Forces. My comments should not be seen as reflecting on them or their views. I was just very disappointed in the amount of success that we were having raising toys and money for the underprivileged children this season. The poor economy has greatly hampered our efforts. My comments were misguided, and emotionally based, and for that I am truly sorry."
Somebody wants to have a job again one day.

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