Main | Friday, May 04, 2012

AFA Versus Campell Soup

The American Family Association is now gunning for Campbell Soup due to their sponsorship of Philadelphia's Equality Forum, which takes place this weekend.
The American Family Association of Pennsylvania's Diane Gramley [left] says the company has "tainted its clean-cut image." "Equality Forum is a homosexual event that glorifies same-sex 'marriage,' is going to have a panel discussion on how homosexuals can adopt, and it also is going to be talking about how the homosexual activists can go into schools to give the message, 'gay is okay,'" Gramley details. The forum is also "working towards getting transgenders into the military" and on how transgendered people can work to be better understood by the public. Diane GramleyBut the AFA of Pennsylvania president says those aspects are contrary to Campbell's image. "When I think of Campbell's Soup, I think of the Campbell's Soup kids with their advertisement that portrays a pro-family, a family-friendly company, which is what they want to portray to the public," she suggests.
Feel free to write Campbell yourself and thank them for supporting civil equality.

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