Main | Tuesday, December 11, 2012

MICHIGAN: Union Supporters Tear Down Koch Brothers Tent At Capitol Building

Via Breitbart:
A group of pro-union, progressive protesters leveled a large tent with people inside during Tuesday's demonstrations outside the Michigan Capitol building in Lansing against right to work legislation. The protesters shouted "scab" and "Walmart tent" as they advanced. The tent, one of many at the demonstration, had been put up by the pro-right to work group Americans For Prosperity. Breitbart News' footage shows the mob demolishes the tent in less than two minutes. The large structure appeared to be approximately 40’ x 40’ in size and was put up on the front lawn of the Michigan capital. The tent had been used by AFP to house members who were reportedly threatened at last week’s demonstration.
AFP stands for Americans For Prosperity, the Koch Brothers' astroturf anti-labor group that masquerades as a "grassroots" organization.

RELATED: This afternoon Michigan's GOP-dominated House approved its "right to work" bill which outlaws requiring union membership for employment. The bill is expected to displace thousands of automotive workers who will be replaced by lower-paid employees.

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