Main | Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Dominique Venner's Suicide Note

"I believe it is necessary to sacrifice myself to break with the lethargy that is overwhelming us. I am killing myself to awaken slumbering consciences." - French anti-gay marriage activist Dominique Venner, from the suicide note found near his body at the altar of Notre Dame Cathedral.

Venner's suicide remains headline news across France today and the ruling Socialist Party has issued a denouncement of his action.  Party head Harlem Desir: "The bill has been approved and opponents of marriage for everyone need to understand that it is now the law of the republic."

RELATED: The BBC has more on Venner: "Venner was once imprisoned for activities with the Secret Army Organization (OAS), which opposed Algerian independence in the early 1960s and tried to assassinate President Charles De Gaulle."

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