Main | Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Quote Of The Day - Les Kinsolving

"There was once a day in this nation when lesbians and others with alternate sexual orientations were comparatively mute. There has developed a militancy that may well know no bounds, and that has torn apart the family of the former vice president of the United States. Liz Cheney, daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, is running for U.S. senator from Wyoming. Liz has stated publicly that she does not believe in same-sex marriage. For that, she has been publicly denounced by her militant lesbian sister, Mary Cheney, and Mary’s similarly militant lesbian mate, Heather Poe. 'Liz’s position is to treat my family as second-class citizens. That’s not a position I can be ‘lovingly tolerant’ toward.' This really begs a question: How would lesbian Mary expect her sister to regard her orientation if she were polyandrous (female polygamy), a pedophile, incestuous or necrophiliac?" - Les Kinsolving, White House press correspondent for World Net Daily.

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