Main | Tuesday, September 02, 2014

HomoQuotable - Robert Oscar Lopez

"Dear Governor Brown, I work for you. I am an Associate Professor of English and Classics at California State University-Northridge. I know that a bill, AB 1951, sponsored by Jimmy Gomez of Los Angeles, may reach your desk for signature soon. It will allow for birth certificates to be issued, which indicate gay men as 'mother' and lesbians as 'father.' I would like you to veto it and please begin the process of reversing California’s destructive trend toward same-sex parenting homes. While you may have been led to believe that children raised by gay couples are delighted with their lives and view their guardians uncritically, the hidden truth is that many of us who were raised by gay couples are hurting and feel that our rights have been violated. Rather than compound California’s problem – too many kids growing up in gay homes – you need to veto this legislation and begin to reverse the process by phasing out third-party reproduction and ending gay adoption. What I am saying may seem infeasible, even shocking, but the reality is that gay parenting is a problem, not a solution." - Homocon horcrux Robert Oscar Lopez, in the opening of a lengthy letter published today by hate group leader Matt Barber.

NOTE: Lopez, of course, is lying. Gomez' bill merely offers three choices: mother, father, and parent.

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