Main | Tuesday, April 07, 2015

FRC Begins 21-Day Marriage Prayer Fast Against "Certain Destruction" Of America

From the Family Research Council:
FRC President Tony Perkins is asking believers everywhere to pray and fast from April 7th till April 28th that God will intervene to guide our Supreme Court to protect, not destroy, natural marriage as the legal standard for our nation. He urges that we “pray up to the day of battle and go into that day with strength; praising God for the victory!”

The Jews in Babylon responded to Queen Esther's appeal to fast and pray both for her and for their brethren - the Jewish exiles throughout Babylon – condemned to death by order of the King. God heard their cries, the Kings order was reversed; the Jewish people were saved, have survived to this day and now have a reestablished nation of their own. God will hear us as we cry out to Him for our nation that our leaders will not take America down a road toward certain destruction by presumptuously believing they have been given power, especially under the guise of U.S. Constitution, to redefine and thus remake the institution of marriage and to invent a right to same-sex marriage.

Daily Theme - We will post a theme for prayer each of the 21 days on the Call2Fall Blog beginning Tuesday, April 7. Use it as Prayer Points in your own ALL-OUT PRAYER. We will pray for the attorneys, the hearings, and the hearts of our Supreme Court Justices; that they will be softened and moved by God to rule aright in this monumental case (Est 4:11-16; Pr 21:1; 22:28; Is 10:1 ff; 1Th 5:17).

How to Fast - Please pray about precisely how you should conduct your fast (Read Dr. Bill Bright’s online pamphlet 7 Basic Steps to Successful Fasting and Prayer which outlines how safely to fast, various kinds of fasts and unique health considerations). Some will pray daily at what would normally be mealtimes, others will fast only one or two meals each days, some will abstain from solid food and drink water only for the entire 21 days, others will drink juices and liquids. If you are uncertain about your health, talk to your doctor.
This will totally work.

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